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"Welcome to Conversations in Christ!  You are invited to tune in, sit back, open your Bible and engage in a dialog as we learn more together about the incredible gift of grace that God has given to all of us.  Now, lets reason together ... in love!"

Roku Internet TV

 Roku GAN channel, Sundays at 11:30 am EST, and Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST


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Sundays at 8:30 AM




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Sundays at 8:30 AM


Grass Valley, CA


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The Ultimate Conversation 

The conversation you have alone with Christ is what counts! 



   Roku/Radio/TV/Podcast  Conversations


Paul Young as guest. Author of the best selling book, "The Shack" at over 24 million copies worldwide.


Baxter Kruger as a guest.  Baxter is a speaker, an author, and has an amazing website at:


Malcolm and Cheryl Smith  Malcom is author of 68 book. He and Cheryl share their stories of how they discovered grace 


Steve McVey, author of 20 books, as a guest  Steve wrote Grace Walk which has sold over 250,000 copies.  His new series of books is called Quantum Faith.


Catherine Toon, author, Doctor. teacher, as a guest   Optomistic, engaging, and author of "God, Male and Female" and "Marked by Love."


Lisa Wentworth Couture 

Lisa is a writer, speaker, and life coach. She is the author of the book "Free to Give"

Barbara Symons. Speaker and author of Her book is "Escaping Christianity"" and Finding Christ".


Robin Smit, author, publisher, teacher, as a guest.  One of Robin's books is "It is Finished," a wonderful presentation of Gods complete and final salvation by grace.


Don Keathly as a guest  Don is a speaker, an author, and has an amazing website at:


Author, Richard Murray, as a guest  (A 3-part video series). We discuss his faith and his understanding of God's unconditional love  for for all humanity.


Jason Clark  Guest and author of: "Prone to Love" and "God is (Not) in Control" and "Leaving and Finding Jesus".


Author, Dr. Boyd Percell, as a guest  (A 3-part video series). We discuss his book, Spiritual Terrorism, and related topics about the grace of God in Jesus for all humanity.


GAN Staff  Don Keathley and Robin & Steve Smit shre details and vision of the Grace Awakening Network they have started.


David Artman   Author,

retired pastor, and theologian. Grace Save All, Podcast. “Grace Saves All,” Book.


Author, Juilie Ferwerda, as a guest  (A 5-part video series). We discuss her book, Raising Hell, and related topics about the grace of God in Jesus for all humanity.


Good News About the Grace of God  (A 15-part audio/video series). Salvation by grace as presented in chapters 5 through 8 of Paul's letter to believers in Rome.

---  IN and OF Christ Trilogy  ---


The New Person In Christ. (An ongoing video series).  A discussion about the new person we all are in Jesus.


The Mind of Christ. (A 12-part video series). A discussion on what it means for us to have "the mind of Christ!"


The Instinctive Life in Christ. (An 18-part video series). A discussion on how, in Christ, we can quit trying so hard and let him live through us!

About CinC

What We Believe

Good news! No matter who you are, God loves you and will never leave or forsake you. And... he certainly will never annihilate you or torment you endlessly! You are of infinite value to him because he created you very much like himself. God’s intention, purpose, desire, and goal is for you to be fully reconciled to himself... forever!


He came to this world in the person of Jesus, died on a cross, and took away everyone’s sin and wrong-doing, guilt and shame. This means you are now free and no longer in bondage to weakness, failure, and trying to be good enough. So now, you can trust God fully because he is fully trustworthy. Just say, “Thank you God,” turn to him and begin enjoying a wonderful, personal relationship with the One who loves you more than anyone else ever could.


You cannot buy or earn this wonderful free gift of God’s grace because God requires nothing of you to bask in his love. Going to church, reading the Bible, praying, even helping others (good as these things are) can never make God love you more than he does now. So, embrace this “good news” and begin a new life free of stress, fear, insecurity, and worry. God is the most wonderful person you will ever get to know. There is no one else like him in the universe. Welcome home!

About Bill Rose

Bill is co-founder of CinC, along with Mike Rough, over a decade ago. Although a seminary graduate and pastor for many years, he came to realize that knowledge in and of itself cannot substitute for the enlightenment of that knowledge by the Holy Spirit. In the mid-nineties he came to realize he was worn out trying to do God's work and decided to let God do His work through him. WHAT A CONCEPT! No longer a member of a religious organization has not diminished his passion for God, but rather his passion has increased immeasurably. Bill is self-employed and among other endeavors performs wedding ceremonies.


About Carl Jones

Carl Jones is a retired Sr. Technical Writer living in Grass Valley, California. Prior to this he was a Hardware/Software Engineer for thirty years,  He has been married 49 years to the only true love of his life. He has two adult children and one beautiful granddaughter, all of whom he loves more than life itself.


Carl earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering (1979) at California State University in Sacramento, California. He earned a California Community College Life Teaching Credential in 1984 and has taught technology classes at two California colleges. He also graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Certificate of Graduate Studies in 2010. Carl has studied in the Masters of History program at American Public University in W. Virginia.​

Carl is an Army veteran and served in Vietnam in 1970. He plays music publicly and in about a dozen assisted living centers.  Visit Carl's website at: 


About Donna Reed 


I was age 26 when my older brother, Mike Rough, excitedly shared with me his awakening of God’s grace. This new understanding hit me like a lightning bolt of love and freedom and turned my “religion” upside down. It profoundly expanded my view of God, and especially how I viewed myself and others and has made all the difference!


During this journey, It has been a joy to help bring up three fine sons and watch five grandchildren develop into adulthood.  I have had the opportunity to serve as and educator for juveniles at a correctional facility for 15 years. For the past twenty years, I have been a licensed family therapist. My desire is to continue to live and encourage others to live an abundant life, by the “renewing of the mind”.            

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About Mike Rough (Founder of CinC)

Mike is now with Christ! He was a retired businessman who in the mid-seventies became occupied with Christ and realized that business was just an avocation and an adjunct to his life in Christ. The first 35 years of his life were spent trying to please God by working and promoting the “churches” he attended until one day the Holy Spirit turned the light on to a better way–the “grace” way! Mike discovered he had been under the bondage of legalism (trying to live by rules) and began living in the freedom Jesus had given him at the cross. With that freedom came a passion to tell others about the abundant life that is available to all.  We miss him, but will someday agin be united with him!


 Mike, with his wife June. He knows he is only half a person without her!

History of CinC


April 29, 2022 marked the 10th aniversary of Conversations in Christ, with over 500 shows aired on KNCO over the past decare! So thankful that Mike Rough had the insight to get this show started.  It took someone with his tenacity and love to accomplish this.


CinC has expanded from just a Sunday morning radio show on KNCO, to local cable TV, Podcasts, and two weekly shows on Roku.


Contact Us

Bill Rose

Phone:  530-392-5012

Carl Jones

(Use the "Get in Touch" form)

Donna Reed

Phone:  916-803-7199

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We appreciate your support in helping us get the message of grace out to so many who will be truly free when thay hear it and trust God who will never leave or forsake them!


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